Category Archives: Baby week by week

Baby Week 39

BABY WEEK 39 Memories By this week, your baby will start to remember more specific information, such as where her toys are in your house. She'll also be able to imitate actions she's seen as long as a week before. These skills indicate that she has recall memory the ability to remember some details of…
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Baby Week 38

BABY WEEK 38 Coping with separation Now, and for the next few months, separation anxiety is at its peak. Although it's normal now for a baby to show an extreme attachment to you and fear of everyone else, it can be difficult for doting grandparents and caregivers. You can help ease transitions for your baby…
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Baby Week 36

BABY WEEK 36 Almost walking Your baby's getting closer and closer to full-fledged walking. She can probably crawl up stairs and cruise, moving around upright while holding onto furniture. A baby this age may even take a couple of steps. (A few actually do walk now and some don't walk until well into their second…
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Baby Week 35

BABY WEEK 35  I can see clearly now Your baby's vision previously about 20/40 at best is now almost adult-like in its clarity and depth perception. Though your baby's short-range sight is still best, his long-range vision is good enough to recognize people and objects across a room. He may see a toy on the…
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