Category Archives: Blog

Facts about HPV and Cervical Cancer

There are several sexually transmitted infections and diseases that research and studies has shown to pose potential risk to the human race. While some have been discovered to be ravaging the human population, others pose lesser risk if diagnosed early and immediately tackled. Human Papillomavirus commonly known as HPV falls within the latter category. According…
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Signs of Autism in Children

If your child or relative receives a diagnosis of autism, you would probably be baffled or overwhelmed, as it is never easy to learn that someone you love has a serious health or developmental condition. Learning all about the disorder and where to get help will ease your fear and confusion. It can also provide…
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As a new mum, you would think you have gotten used to your baby and you probably know his or her baby signs and cues, including his or her eating and sleeping patterns. Then comes the time for teething and you are confused! How do you soothe your baby’s sore gums and make those pains…
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As a new mom, one of the things you are faced with is how to effectively take care of your newborn. How do you clean your baby up properly? How do you feed your newborn effectively? How do you care for your baby’s ears? Caring for your baby’s ears doesn’t have to be a herculean…
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