Category Archives: Baby week by week

Baby Week 47

BABY WEEK 47 Very easy readers Your baby probably enjoys looking at books and leafing through the pages, though she won't always turn them one by one. Indulge in great picture booksTamara Hoban's Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue?, which introduces primary colors through photos of everyday objects, and The Snowman, by…
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Baby Week 46

BABY WEEK 46 Talking up a storm Words and word like sounds are now spilling out of your baby, and he's able to use them meaningfully. As his brain continues to develop, so does his ability to reason and speak. Encourage his interest in language and his understanding of two-way communication by being an avid…
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Baby Week 45

BABY WEEK 45 Becoming her own person Your baby may now assert herself among her siblings and begin to engage in parallel play contentedly playing alongside (but not with) another baby. Informal baby play dates can be a great way to encourage your little one to develop social skills. Just remember that babies this age…
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Baby Week 44

BABY WEEK 44 Independence Only a few weeks shy of his first birthday, your baby's no longer a helpless infant who can't do anything without you. He still needs plenty of care and support, but his growing independence evident in his solo standing, stooping, and squatting is becoming apparent. Your baby may walk while gripping…
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