Category Archives: Baby week by week

Baby Week 51

BABY WEEK 51 Your toddler now   Milk on the menu Cow milk is probably becoming a big part of your child's diet now that she's passed the 12-month mark. Whole milk is usually the beverage of choice at this age because toddlers need fat to fuel their growth and their considerable energy needs. At…
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Baby Week 50

BABY WEEK 50 Your toddler now First steps now…or later Encourage both cruising and walking by giving your child lots of opportunities to move without help and by not picking him up and carrying him too often. You can encourage a tentative walker by arranging furniture so there are safe and convenient handholds all along…
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Baby Week 49

BABY WEEK 49 First steps If your baby isn't walking already, she's likely to take her first step soon. (If she doesn't, don't worry. Some perfectly normal babies are 16 or 17 months old before they start walking.) You can encourage your baby to walk by standing or kneeling in front of her and holding…
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Baby Week 48

BABY WEEK 48 Learning more about language Though at this point his vocabulary likely consists of only a couple of words besides "mama" and "dada," your baby can probably babble short, fully inflected sentences that sound like he's speaking a foreign language. Act as though you understand. Your baby may be able to respond to…
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